I think that you have already increased your broadband internet speed and now searching for a platform to share your knowledge with the world. However, you are confused to select the right place to display your unique thoughts from lots of options in your fingertips viz. Blogger.com, blog.com, WordPress.com, weebly.com, thoughts.com, sosblogs.com, edublogs.org and lots of more we will discuss theme later on.
We all know the fact that each and every person born with their own unique quality and identity but they even don’t know how they can reach the right person in this biosphere to share or discuss their feelings and opinions on any matters which are very thrilling to them.
In other words, if your mind is creative and want to share your knowledge with everyone in this planet then you must have a right platform to start with and to share your thoughts that you find interesting with millions of people.
Lots of persons have just heard the word “blog” either from their friends and other means of communication. Today, I will tell you about Blog with the help of a short but precise illustrative tutorial along with basic planning for creating your first blogger weblog.
What is blog?
The term Blog, a short form of Weblog, is nothing but a type of website where people may share the latest news, photos, videos in the form of webpages either publically with the world or privately with their friends and family.
What is Blogger Blog?
Blogger, a blog-publishing service, was launched on Monday, August 23rd , 1999 by Pyra Labs which was acquired by Google in 2013.
Is is absolutely free to create blogger blog?
Yes, it helps you to create your personal online diary, Notebook or own community on Blogger.com without paying any cost to anyone. Hence, Blogger Blog is nothing but a free website to share your thoughts and knowledge with others by writing text, uploading photos and videos etc.
Can I edit the Layout of my blog?
You can easily change the layout of your blog to edit/customize your blog template in any way you like by editing the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) code, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for describing the look and formatting and lots of more by adding Gadgets.
Is my blog visible to everyone on the Internet?
The most interesting thing is that you can control the visitors of your blog and may decide who can read and write to your blog. Accordingly, you may create your free bog as a community with a few friends/groups or allow the entire world to see what you have to say! By default, your blog will be completely public i.e. visible to everyone on the internet.
Will I make money with my Blog?
Now, I want to share one more interesting thing with you that apart from sharing your knowledge and thoughts online, you may earn some handsome money from your own free blogger blog. I will discuss it latter in my other separate tutorial.
Some other silent features of Blogger Blog:
- You can set privacy so that your blog may not be visible to any search engines. On the other hand, you may opt for visible publically and blog listing opportunity which increase the SEO of your blog so that it can be find from any corner of the world with the help of search engines like Google, Bing, Ask and yahoo etc.
- You may set your blog layout for those reading your blog from a mobile device and you may also post text, photos and even videos straight to your blog through SMS/MMS. Email posting is another option to consider if SMS/MMS posting is unavailable from your mobile carrier.
- The visitors of your blog may comment on your blog posts/articles and share it with their friends on their online profiles viz. Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Suppose, you are a teacher then you may teach lots of students from anywhere in the world at a time and share the notes in soft copy. Similarly, a sportsman may share and interact with their fans. Moreover, even if you are a small businessman having no own self hosted website then you may also enlarge your business worldwide by creating free website with the help of blogger blog.
What is the procedure to create a blogger blog?
It is as simple as a mouse click. Following are the requisite preliminary steps to create your First Blogger Blog, a weblog:
Step-1: To begin with blogger blog, you must have a Google Account (Gmail ID) if not then please Sign Up to get your Gmail account free of cost.
Step-2: Now, visit the Blogger homepage and simply enter your Google account mail ID or username and password and click on Sign in button. However, if you have escaped the step-1, click on “SIGN UP” button at the top right corner and create Gmail account.
Step-3: After successful sign in to your Blogger Account, click on New Blog button as shown at the upper left corner along with a message “Create your blog now” and description “You are not an author on any blogs yet, create one now to start posting! Can’t find your blog?”
A) Blog Title: Enter the name of your blog (like a new baby born) as you want to be shown as the Blog Title. Remind that the blog title you have chosen may be similar or same with other millions of blogs or websites on the internet.
Accordingly, I strongly recommend to choose a unique name (as mine Showeblogin, AUBSP etc.) and for that just search the name of your blog, you want to create, in any search engine (Goole, Bing, Yahoo, Ask etc.) to see whether any weblog or site already exist with the same name.
Further, one more thing you should note regarding the length of your blog title that it will be better to have a single word i.e. short name instead of too lengthy name which people can’t remember.
B) Blog Address: Blog address is the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of your blog i.e. if anyone on the internet wish to visit your blog then they have to type your blog url (address) inside browser address bar. You may type your blog title in address which people would recognize easily and will help your visitors to come back again to your blogging site.
However, the URL must be unique unlike the blog title. Immediately after entering your blog address the system will check your blog address availability and if and only if it is unique then only you see a message “This blog address is available” otherwise the message will be “Sorry, this blog address is not available.”
Note that your blog address will ends with the domain name blogspot.com but don’t worry you can add a custom domain whenever you like. We will guide you later regarding Why, how and from where you should purchase your Domain Name.
C) Blog Template: Finally, select any template amongst 7 options viz. Simple, Dynamic Views, Picture Window, Awesome Inc., Watermark, Ethereal and Travel.
Now, click on “Create blog”. That’s great enjoy your own blogger blog with billions of other bloggers.